Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Julian - son of Friend of Merge, Karen Glauber

Bebban - daughter of Sasha Bell (The Essex Green)

Here are a couple of Merge babies to send you off on your Thanksgiving holiday. In the true spirit of giving, instead of running out to the mall on "Black Friday," subscribe to SCORE! in the comfort of your own home! All proceeds go to charity. And check back on Monday for some excellent sales in the Merge store.

Also, this just in! Listen to NPR's Morning Edition on Friday morning for an interview with Conor Oberst!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lambchop in a Black Cab

Check out other Black Cab sessions including Spoon at

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Caribou donates Polaris money to charity

photo from Polaris awards ceremony

Caribou Donates Polaris Prize Money to Charities
11/20/2008 By Brock Thiessen

If there was any doubt Dan Snaith was an all-around nice guy, the man better known as Caribou is giving his $20,000 Polaris Prize money to charity. Via Caribou’s website, Snaith recently announced that two Canadian charities — Ecojustice and the Stephen Lewis Foundation — will receive the bulk of the cash prize, while the remaining money will be used to finance Caribou’s next album, which he’s in the early stages of recording, he revealed.

When discussing his choices of charities, Snaith had this to say about donating to Ecojustice: "I have always thought of Canada as an environmentally progressive place... however, recently the Canadian government has acted as a global obstacle to climate action. In a study this year Canada ranked 29th out of 30 industrialized nations for tackling climate change."

On the Stephen Lewis Foundation, he said: "They fund community-based projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, which address the fact that the AIDS epidemic affects not only those infected but their care networks and communities as a whole, emphasizing women, orphans and grandmothers."

According to CBC Radio 3 (which alerted us to this story), previous Polaris Prize winner Patrick Watson allegedly spent the $20,000 on a hot tub and a crashed rental van, while Final Fantasy invested his money back into Blocks Recording Club and helped his boyfriend pay off some student loans. (We’ll leave it up to you to decide which winner has spent his money most wisely.)

As previously reported, Caribou took home this year’s Polaris Prize for his 2007 album, Andorra.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Rosebuds LIVE on KEXP today, 11/20!!

Tune in to KEXP.ORG today, 11/20, at 4pm pacific to hear The Rosebuds LIVE on KEXP!

The Rosebuds are currently rocking the west coast, so be sure to catch them!

11.20 Seattle WA Tractor Tavern
11.21 Anacortes WA The Department of Safety
11.22 Portland OR Doug Fir Lounge
11.24 San Francisco CA The Independent
11.25 Los Angeles CA The Echo
11.26 Tucson AZ Solar Culture Gallery
11.28 Denton TX Hailey's
11.29 Austin TX Mohawk
12.01 Atlanta GA The Earl
12.03 Raleigh NC The Pour House

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Broken West retool on Daytrotter

The Broken West stopped by Daytrotter on their last tour to rework some of the songs on I Can't Go On, I'll Go On, and this fall's Now or Heaven.

Give it a listen!

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"You wouldn't be there, I'd be out with my ho's"

Wye Oak discuss Lil Wayne and much more at Watch clips or view the interview in it's entirety.

Wye Oak's debut album, If Children, is available on CD and digital download in the Merge store.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Chazzy from Guv'ner checks in!


Truly great things are afoot, what with the election of our new president on Tuesday, and more recently, the nationwide release of Role Models.

First: Obama!! Tied for first: Role Models, a raunchy comedy with a sweet aftertaste (not official tagline). The number two movie in our renewed democracy!! (not official tagline either)

I wrote and performed the end-credits song "Love Take Me Down" and helped my good friend Craig Wedren with the score. The soundtrack should be on iTunes any day. Paul Rudd stars, David Wain directs! Don't bring the kids, but do spread the word!

In other news, my music is featured in a film on photographer Catherine Opie's retrospective at the Guggenheim. Watch it!

Charles "Chazzy" Gansa of Guv'ner

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Conor Oberst debuts "Nicorette" on Conan


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Broken West LIVE on KEXP Today, 11/11!

The Broken West will stop by KEXP this afternoon for a live session! Tune in around 4pm pacific, 7 eastern, for the set and interview!

Later tonight, they're playing the Tractor Tavern in Seattle with the Heartless Bastards.

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Monday, November 10, 2008

Lambchop & Wye Oak cheer Obama to victory in a European truckers' lounge!

email & photos sent to Merge from Wye Oak

Hey Pals,

I'm sure everyone over at Merge HQ has had a spring in their step in the last few days. We each breathed a huge sigh of relief when the election returns came in. As it happened, we were on a ferry boat between England and France when the election got called. We (Jenn and myself, and the members of Dr. Dog) all huddled around the only television we could find, in the commercial truckers' lounge on the boat, and watched Obama make his speech. And who should we happen to run into in that lounge but Kurt Wagner and his Lambchop team! They were on the same boat, headed for continental Europe to play some shows. We all shared a drink in the spirit of hope and then parted ways. Since then, everyone over here at our European shows has been in high spirits about the shift in US politics. It's a great time to be American!

Andy + Jenn

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Friday, November 07, 2008

new Music Tapes video for "Majesty"!

Directed by Belliah Gallons!

There is one more chance to catch Julian Koster on the road this year! Check for The Music Tapes Caroling Tour beginning next week!

These will be caroling events (not house concerts) and there will be no monetary recompense of any kind asked for. People who wish to make a donation to the Carolers Travel Fund via the website where all Caroling updates and information will be found.

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Monday, November 03, 2008

Richard Buckner Speaks

To all of you (you know who you are):

There’s a web site,, with a ‘be-back-later’ note. Since there’s nothing going on right now, it sits as a future dig, waiting for a body. In the meantime, the iron chefs at Merge have been kind enough to set me up with a kitchen island to use as a rant-site until my cookies are baked. We’ll begin in grand O.C.D. style, with a syllabus:

I. What Happened

II. What’s Happening

III. What Might Happen

Thank you. Please turn off your cell phone and pour a drink. The following may or may not include images of punk-assed music critics (“fast-eating tongue swallowers”-Merck Manual 2008), the world outside of the music industry (from Know Where Your Head Is Stuck: A Guide), and audience/performer perimeters (“Really? I don’t remember doing that...”).


I. What Happened

I have no idea.

II. What’s Happening

In 2007, while touring on fumes, I finished a film score for a movie called “Dreamboy”, based on a book by Jim Grimsley and directed by James Bolton. The movie is currently club-hopping around the theater scene after being featured at the Berlin Film Festival earlier this year.

“Awake, My Soul: The Story of the Sacred Harp” is a documentary that was featured on PBS. Sacred Harp singing is a form of a cappella, shape-note singing born in the churches of the rural deep south over 200 years ago. The soundtrack to this film has been released this year along with “Help Me To Sing”, a compilation of Sacred Harp songs reinterpreted by artists such as Danielson Famile and John Paul Jones. I was asked to contribute and recorded a song called “Windham”. Beginning with the lyrics “Broad is the road that leads to death...” , my version aurally lends itself to an apparition of the Osmond Brothers waking up hungover in a Nashville cathouse after finding Andy Williams’ Pall Mall stash.

I was also commissioned by Timothy McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern to write a poem for an upcoming theme issue called “Endangered Species”, focusing on archaic literary genres from various cultures and time periods. I was assigned the task of writing a piece based on the rules of what are referred to as troubadours’ songs. As the editors described, “In the high middle ages, the troubadours wrote songs of chivalry, political disputes, and the ubiquitous maidens fair. These songs took a narrative form; some told stories of noble adventure (cansos), while others focused on politically-charged satire (sirventes).” While a fist-clenching politico was tempting, I chose to write a canso and set it to music for an accompanying track that will be available on their web site at some point in the alleged future.

Currently, I’m trolling through ideas and accidents for another record or two and trying to settle internal arguments on presentation and format. I’m also attempting to construct a series of short stories based on views and visions from my various allotted Catskill detentions.

My first six recordings Bloomed, Devotion & Doubt, Since, The Hill, Richard Buckner (an untitled collection of acoustic recordings) and Impasse are out of print. They will all be legally available online very soon.

III. What Might Happen

I’m afraid to ask.

In the meantime...

Please check out my friend Willy Vlautin’s writings.

Thanks again for reading. I’ll write again when something happens, whether it happens or not.



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